Save the date: Symp_FR 2025

French-speaking symposium april 25, 2024 is fully booked

Nursing track BSC congress February 8th full

BSC congress 2024

Technical issues online videos nursing session BSC congress

Due to technical issues, the online videos of the Nursing session at the BSC Congress 2022 are not available at this time.


We are looking for a solution as soon as possible. As soon as the technical problems are solved, the videos will be made available online.

New webinar available on atrial fibrillation management

New webinar coming up!

Subject: “The role of arrhythmia nurses and allied healthcare professionals in atrial fibrillation management: easy as ABC?”

Time: March 10th 18:00-19:00

Price: Free for ACNAP Silver Members and for EHRA Members

More information:

Save the date: BSC congres 2022

Save the date for the nursing session on the Congress of the Belgian Society of Cardiology 2022

When? May 12-13 2022

Where? Online event

More information:


Survey by ESC on needs of young cardiovascular professionals

The ESC Young Committee is currently analysing the general needs of young healthcare professionals as well as potential collaborations with the ESC. To help them in this initiative, they have created a short survey.

The survey can be completed on your laptop, smartphone or tablet and will take approximately nine minutes.

Take the survey

The ESC Young Committee thanks you for your contribution.

UZ Leuven Permanente Vorming Cardiovasculaire Zorg

UZ Leuven organiseert opnieuw de permanente vorming ‘cardiovasculaire zorg’ met als doel de specifieke deskundigheid van verpleegkundigen in de zorg voor patiënten met hart- en/of vaatziekten en hun omgeving te bevorderen.
Verschillende thema’s uit de cardiologie, cardiochirurgie en vasculaire heelkunde worden uitgewerkt en toegelicht vanuit een verpleegkundig en medisch perspectief, in nauwe samenwerking met andere disciplines. Ook wordt er aandacht besteed aan de preventie en de actieve rol die de patiënt zelf kan opnemen.
De opleiding zal doorgaan op
• 22 en 29 november 2021
• 6 en 15 december 2021
• 11, 17 en 25 januari 2022
• 8 en 22 februari 2022
met een examen op 23 maart 2022
Meer informatie kan je terugvinden in de PDF of op:


This week, the European Society of Cardiology has launched a campaign to draw attention to the timely recognition of a heart attack, also in COVID-19 times. Their main message is that the heart continues to be a priority throughout the pandemic and that everybody should seek care without delay if symptoms of a heart attack are experienced. Moreover, they encourage patients with a chronic heart condition to attend follow-up appointments and take their medication.

Below you can find the website, on which an infographic and more resource materials can be found, and the awareness video of the campaign.


Awareness video: