1. Cardiological nursing | Vives healthcare (
- Type: postgraduate
- 9 days training
- 63 hours
- Price: 740 euros
- Program: Pathology, therapeutic techniques, pharmacology, cardiac monitoring, cardiac surgery and transplantation, rehabilitation, prevention and future.
- Exam: yes
- Diploma: not specified on website
- Training leave: yes
- Training coordinator:
- Bruges050/30 51 96
2. Postgraduate Cardiological Nursing | Howest
- Type: postgraduate
- 6 days training
- 46 hours
- Price: 650 euros
- Program: Anatomy/physiology, ECG (up to 8 hours), pharmacology, heart failure, ultrasound, rehabilitation, hypertension, interventional, cardiac surgery, pacemaker
- Exam: yes
- Certificate if exam passed successfully, no exam is certificate of further training
- Training leave: yes
- Education coordinator: Sven Vereecke
3. Cardiology | Karel de Grote Hogeschool Antwerp (
- Type: postgraduate
- 16 days of classes
- 20 (ECTS) credits/ 4 modules of 5 credits
- Price: 1400 euros (375 euros per module and 100 euros per lesson day)
- Program: anatomy/physiology, pathophysiology, pharmacology, ECG, evidence based practice, anamnesis, co-morbidities, ethical and legal aspects, diagnostics, invasive, devices, surgery, nursing skills, primary care, prevention , multidisciplinary care
- Training leave: yes
- Exam: yes
- Training leave: yes
- Training Coordinator: Sven De Smet
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4. Postgraduate heart failure | UCLL
- Postgraduate type
- 20 days of classes
- 20 (ECTS) credits
- Price: 1400 euros
- Program:
- Training leave: yes
- Exam: yes
- If exam passed, certificate
- Education coordinator: Jan Vercammen
5. Heart failure education in primary care – Limburg | UCLL Research & Expertise
6. Heart failure education in primary care – Flemish Brabant | UCLL Research & Expertise
7. Continuing education in cardiovascular care
- Type: Continuing education in cardiovascular care
- 9 teaching days (+ 1 exam day)
- Price: 1125 euros (coffee + courses included)
- Program: The permanent training ‘cardiovascular care’ aims to promote specific expertise in the care of patients with cardiovascular and/or vascular diseases and their environment. Various themes from cardiology, cardiosurgery and vascular surgery are elaborated and explained from a nursing and medical perspective, in close collaboration with other disciplines. In addition, attention is paid to the preventive measures and the participation of the patiënt in its own care.
- The following topics will be covered, among others:
• Anatomy and physiology of the heart
• Rhythm and conduction disturbances, the normal ECG and interpretation of ECG traces
• Ischemic heart disease, with a focus on invasive imaging techniques
• Nursing considerations after interventional cardiology
• Valve disease: pathology, diagnostic investigations, treatment (both medical and surgical) and nursing points for attention pre- and postoperative
• Congenital heart disease: medical and surgical approach, nursing education program and points for attention
• Heart failure: medical aspects and the role of nurses
• Palliative care in patients with cardiovascular disease
• Left Ventricular Assist Devices (LVAD) and heart transplantation, with a patient testimonial at the end of the day
• Vascular Disorders
• Cardiovascular prevention and the patient as an active partner in the care process
• Catheter Care, General Principles - Target group: This training is aimed at nurses who work in a department of cardiovascular disease, cardiovascular surgery, heart monitoring, cardio function measurements, cath lab. In addition, all nurses and paramedics who want to become more proficient in cardiovascular care are welcome.
- Class days:
• 4 and 25 November 2024
• 2 and 10 December 2024
• 9 and 20 January 2025
• 11 and 20 February 2025
• March 11, 2025 - Exam: April 2, 2025 (morning)
- Training leave: yes
- Registration: Online via
- Location: UZ Leuven campus Gasthuisberg
- Contacts:
• Karine Philippaerts, nurse manager thorax zone, tel. 016 34 67 62,
• Katrien Vandersmissen, nurse specialist Ventricular Assist Devices,
• Jan Kennes, nursing consultant heart failure,
• Geert Schuurmans, nurse specialist congenital cardiology,
• Nina Van Steenwinckel, administrative officer, tel. 016 34 49 69,
8. BWGNICI Interuniversity Basic-course Echocardiography
- Echocardiography course that is hybrid and hosted by different universities (Leuven, Ghent, Brussels and Antwerp).
- Aimed at cardio assistants, but also accessible to nurses.
- Every Wednesday from 4 pm to 6 pm, from October 5, 2022 to February 8, 2023
- Price: Not yet determined
- Exam/Evaluation: Not yet determined.
Is this list incomplete? Do you know of other courses that could be of interest to cardiovascular nurses? Let us know at: or .